We've seen flurries and skiffs here and there, but nothing like our friends in the North Eastern parts of the country.
Look at the gorgeous Carolina Blue sky peeking at us. From where I live I can see the local golf course across the river. The course provides such great views year-round. Thought I would snap this picture for you today and share what I'm looking at while drinking coffee and relaxing for a minute before I get sewing. What are you working on today?
Well, I've finished the machine quilting on my challenge quilt, now it's on to the hand applique and attaching 40 quarter- sized yo-yo's to the quilt. You can see in this picture just how the yo-yo's will go. Lots of hand stitching to come, but the finished quilt is going to be amazing!
I've got 2/3 of my Grand Illusions Mystery on the design wall. Still have to add the pieced sashings and start sewing it all together. Wish I could fit all of it on my design wall, but only 3 of 5 rows will fit, but hey I still get to look at most of it!
Well, the coffee cup is empty and my machine is calling my name. Until next time, quilt on!
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