Friday, March 27, 2015
Friday Fury
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Quiltfest in Review
Saturday, March 21, 2015
One More Day
Hey y'all! Wow, what a week this has been. Quiltfest 2015 has been awesome. Today is the final day of Qultfest and I leave for home tomorrow. Let me recap a bit what's been going on this week. I'll be posting pictures when I get home. My phone isn't conducive to editing and posting lots of pics.
I last wrote on Wednesday after our handwork class. Thursday morning was our Cathedral Stars project with a local instructor, Bonnie Goolsby. She is a great teacher and I loved her project. The Cathedral Stars were a quilt as you go project that comes together quite quickly. No, I didn't finish this one in class.
At the end of her class someone asked about her evening class. She proceeded to show us the project for the evening class which was called Positively Negative and is a cut-and-fold quilt technique. I had saw the technique in several projects in the show on Wednesday and wanted to know how to do that. Most classes at Quiltfest have been sold out for months, but I decided to rush to the information desk when our class let out to check and sure enough, there was room. I quickly signed up for it! Yes, that makes a total of 5 classes I'm in for the week, but when in Rome.
This was noon, the new class started at 5:30. We still had to get lunch, and I had to get all the supplies for the class including fabric because I hadn't brought any extra.
After lunch, Lou Anne, Georganna, Ernestine, and I went back to the show and I found my fabric and a small rotary cutter. We left the show and went to a couple of sweet, local shops. Machine Quiltin by Iva and The Cherry Pit.
Both shops are such wonderful quilt shops. Such great fabrics and amazing designs. I got the last thing I needed for class at Iva's and we headed back. I made it to class at 5:20, but I still had cutting to do! Thankfully, I wasn't the only one and I finished before class began.
This class was just great. Lots of ideas for borders, accents, and full quilts.
Friday was my day off from classes. Jackie and I along with Jackie's husband, Fred enjoyed a bit more of the vendors and the show as well as a bed turning.
After leaving the show, Jackie and I ventured out to go to another shop, Holloway's Country Home in Cosby. I decided to take the back way. Let me just tell ya, Garmin and Google take you two entirely different ways, but we had fun.
We're up this morning for our last class, Pipe Dreams. I'm ready! I'll catch y'all tonight!
Until next time, quilt on!
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Handwork is the Name of the Game
Hey y'all. Wow, what a day. We lounged around for a little while this morning then met Lou Anne, Georganna, and Ernestine at the show. We shopped, looked at quilts, shopped, saw more quilts, and shopped some more. But we 're not through yet, because we still didn't see everything. I bought a few pattern as today. One is a Christmas pattern, the other from Judy Niemeyer. Excited to start both of them.
Jackie and I took a handwork class tonight by Delores Storm of Lakadaisies Design. The Santa Redwotk pattern is gorgeous! I've got a good bit accomplished and the more handwork I do the more I'm enjoying it.
Well, we've got another early class in the morning. I'll catch ya from the show! Until next time. Quilt on!
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Saint Patrick's Day from TN, Quiltfest Day 1
Monday, March 16, 2015
Quiltfest Here We Come
Hey y'all. It's that time. I clocked out at work at 7 o'clock tonight, jumped in a fully packed car, and hit the road to Tennessee. It's Quiltfest time y'all!
After a quick stop by Wal-Mart for a few cold things, I made it to Jackie's. We're now settled in, our machines are ready, and our totes are full! Lunch is packed, coffee ready for brewing, and plans made for morning. Tomorrow is our "Simplified Double Wedding Ring" class. And a sneak peak at the show tomorrow evening.
I'm stoked, but gotta be at the convention center by 8 in the morning so night y'all!
Until next time, quilt on!