Now, I've got to get started on my two-fabric quilt for A Mountain Quiltfest in Pigeon Forge. Nothing like a deadline for me. I've got until February 25th to get the quilt pieced, quilted, and bound! I just may make the deadline.
On the business front. I am excited to announce that I am continuing to work toward my shop. I will be taking a few small business seminars in February as I continue to work diligently in the shadows to get all of the prep work behind me. Mind you, I'm still a long way away from getting a brick and mortar shop open, but I continue to prayerfully seek God's guidance and will. Things are rolling and moving that way. Stay tuned as things continue to happen.
I am also working on the 2017 class offerings. Classes will tentatively resume in May at the Cruso Community Center as they have in the last 2 years. I will be offering a couple of my Advanced Technique classes first, then a beginner class, and close out the season with another couple Advanced Technique classes. I'm still working on details for those classes, but I hope to have that info out to you soon.
You can also check out my website for some exciting changes. Maybe your local guild is looking for an instructor for an upcoming guild meeting. Maybe your shop is looking for an instructor to come teach a class or two. You can find all the details on my bookings tab at www.crusoquilter.com/booking. There you'll find my current workshops as well as my contract so that we can get everything set. I would love to come visit with you and share our quilting experiences in person!
I would also love to know what you're working on. Be sure to share pictures with me on my Facebook page. We each bring such diversity into the quilting world, whether it's a new design or pattern, new colorways on old patterns, or even new fabrics that you've hand dyed. Maybe you've simplified a construction method or you've been working on those old UFO's. Join me over on Facebook and share those with me.
Have you heard of the Quilter's Planner? If you haven't let me tell you, this is the best thing yet! I ordered my planner and got it last Tuesday. I have never been one to really use a planner, and frankly I think that most of the planners out there are overpriced. I saw an ad on Facebook for the Quilter's Planner and checked it out. The folks over at Quilter's Planner have this to say:
You’ve tried to rely on your smart phone and computer to organize your daily life and projects…..You’ve tried to balance your work, your family, your home and your creative quilting life…But you often feel stressed, like there’s just not enough time for everything…The Quilter’s Planner was made just for you. It has everything you need to organize the work, personal and quilting parts of your life to decrease your stress, increase your creativity and bring your life into balance.The Quilter's Planner is the best planner I've seen yet. Not only is it helping me to keep myself organized with what I've got coming up, my work schedule, my church and community schedule, teaching, and so much more, but it also helps me keep track of my projects and to-do lists.
The Quilter's Planner has a Calendar section with both a monthly look and weekly breakdowns. It has a Projects section to help me keep track of all of my projects that I've got going on and I can see at a glance just which stage they are in. I can also use the design pages to quickly sketch out a block of the quilt, what fabrics I'm using, what supplies I might need, and more.
It also has in the Projects section a place to keep track of important deadlines throughout the year.
After the Projects section, you'll find a Patterns section and access to 14 patterns included with the purchase of Quilter's Planner.
Finally there is a Reference section with some of the most common measurements and guides. It also has some basic piecing techniques and a color chart. No more having to guess what colors I need, they're right in one convenient location. There is also some graph paper to sketch out cutting to make sure you get the most use out of your yardage. There is also blank graph paper and note paper in the back for doodling projects and so much more.
I'm loving my Quilter's Planner and think you should check it out from my friends at quiltersplanner.com. They're even made right here in the USA!
Well, it's about time that I get ready for work. Another day at the HRMC for me. Hopefully tonight, after work, will be a quilt filled night!
Until next time, quilt on!
Love your En Provence quilt. It is beautiful. I may start mine as I am almost through with my red,white and blue scrappy.