After arriving at Jackie's; she, her husband Fred, and I made a trip to Mom and Meg's Quilt Shop in Dandridge. I'll have to go back this week to take pictures to share with you. If you're ever in the Dandridge, TN area, you must go check out this quaint little shop. I had a blast getting to know Glenda, the owner of Mom and Meg's. We discussed her shop, my plans for a future shop, ideas back and forth, and how we could network between shops and teachers. I also met Sandra Palmer from Woodstock, VT. Sandra is a quilt appraiser and has been coming to Quiltfest for many years. She was also the featured appraiser for a number of years. Her expertise and networking was also wonderful. We shared quilts and ideas for others.
Jackie, Fred, and I also enjoyed a great dinner at Angelo's at the Point on Lake Douglas. We always make a point to visit "The Point" as most call it. The food is absolutely amazing and the atmosphere just as much. My Crab Cakes and mixed veg were superb.

Now we're visiting the LeConte Center and the absolutely wonderful Mountain Quiltfest. We've pretty much made a speed-walk around the exhibit hall to find my two quilts. Both quilts look fabulous and show well, but unfortunately there are no ribbons attached. Hey, that's okay, they look good anyway. We're taking a bit of a rest right now so that I can charge my phone and write this post. This afternoon is the Meet the Instructor event. I'm excited to see our instructors and a few that I've had in the past that I'd like to catch up with. With that, I'm off to see what else we can find and enjoy more of the show! If you're down this way or are close to Pigeon Forge, TN head over this week. The show is free and runs through Saturday. Definitely worth the drive.
Until next time, quilt on!
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